Who Do You Think You Are?

God wants the very best for you! Never doubt His goodness towards you and your loved ones. Did you know that He has already made provisions for your peace, your healing, and abundance in every area of your life? “Okay, then why am I having so much trouble?” You might think. That’s easy. To enjoy God’s best, you must change your ‘stinkin’ thinkin’.

Proverbs 23:7 states, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” What you think can accelerate you into God’s best or delay His will in your life forever. It’s really important what you think and how you think. Thinking is serious business when it comes to the things of God.

Do you remember Moses and the amazing exodus story? God supernaturally delivered four million Israelites from the tyrannical Pharoah. Instead of a future of slavery, they began a journey towards their Promised Land. The sad fact, however, is that no one over twenty years old* actually got to enjoy the land “that flowed with milk and honey.” Was that God’s fault? No, my friend, their “stinkin’ thinking” kept them from enjoying God’s best and if you’re not careful, it will happen to you, too.

The Slave Mentality

God’s people had been slaves for 400 years. Slaves are controlled by something or someone. Slaves don’t dream about the future. Slaves have no hope. Slaves wake up expecting to be controlled and expect to be told what to do. If all you’ve ever known is the life of slavery, you hardly know there’s any other way unless a Deliverer arrives to set you free. Moses stepped into the lives of these slaves and announced, “God doesn’t want you to be a slave. He wants to deliver you and take you to a wonderful place.”  Although God did set them free from physical slavery, most remained slaves mentally to their memories and never enjoyed the life and land promised to them. Boldly say, “I will not be controlled today by anything or anyone except the Holy Spirit. I refuse to be a slave when Jesus came to set me free!”

To enjoy God’s best, you must change your ‘stinkin’ thinkin’.

Pastor Rachel Burchfield

The Know-It-All Mentality

Some people just always think they are right. At two different incidences, Miriam and Korah missed out on God’s best because of a know-it-all mentality.* They questioned their leader’s ability and even asked, “Are you the only one who can hear from God? Don’t you think that we know God’s voice?” Make no mistake. God can spank His own and if your leader is not making the right decisions or being dishonorable, pray for him. A know-it-all mentality has a nickname, pride, and it will certainly keep you from inheriting God’s best.

The Grasshopper Mentality

After 14 months, God’s people finally arrived on the border of the long-awaited Promised Land. What an exciting moment! In just a few days, they would experience everything that Moses had told them about… or would they? When twelve men were sent to spy out the land, ten brought back a negative report. “Those giants are so big that we looked like grasshoppers to them and US. We’ll never be able to fight them.”

Beware of the grasshopper mentality: “I’ll never pay all these bills,” or what about “God can’t use me because I’ve made so many mistakes.” Here’s my favorite. “I’m just a humble handmaiden doing my small part.” Friend, let’s renew our mind to think about how God thinks. God is bigger than any problem in your life.

The Caleb Mentality

“Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.” That was Caleb’s declaration of faith to God’s people about the Promised Land. Did he see the same giants and fortified cities that the other ten spies saw? Yes, but while they focused on the size of the giants, Caleb and Joshua focused on the size of the grapes. People with a Caleb mentality aren’t afraid to fight for their Promised Land and remember the One Who made the promise.

Who do you think you are? Does it matter? Not if you covet some flimsy, self-centered aspiration. But, if you’re determined to live in the abundance that God has destined for you and represent Him well upon the earth, you better believe that it matters. “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”  

Numbers 12:2, 13:30, 13:33, 14:24, *14:30 (except Joshua and Caleb) 16:3

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