Reflections in the Mirror: Who You Are in Christ

Jesus, the Promised Seed

Gen. 3:15 | Jn. 12:24 | Gal. 3:16 | Gen. 12:1-3 | Is. 53:10

Is in You

Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him…” I Jn. 3:9

Jennifer, a precocious four-year-old was quite worried. She had just swallowed a watermelon seed. “You’ll probably be growing a watermelon baby real soon,” teased her Mimi. 

Seeds carry life after their own kind. A watermelon seed produces a watermelon and the seed of man produces a man. It’s been said, that if you didn’t like being born, try being born again. Jesus described this as the New Birth; not a natural birth, but supernatural birth. In your physical body, you have your birth father’s DNA, but inside of your reborn, recreated spirit man is your Father’s DNA! 

What is in God’s DNA? The life of God. Eternal life. Abundant life. Vibrant life. 

Being “born of man” brings limitations, but being “born of God” connects you to your Father’s world where miracles are commonplace, and it’s His nature, not a watermelon, is growing inside of you.

Focus: My Father’s DNA contains vibrant life and victory through the day.
Who’s In The Mirror: Jesus Christ is the Promised Seed. 
Reflection: I am born of God…and His seed remains in me. I Jn. 3:9 

As He is, so are we ….. I Jn. 4:17 

Jesus, the Second Adam

 I Cor. 15:45 | Col. 1:18 | II Cor. 5:17 | Rom. 5:14 | I Cor. 15:48

Is in You

“Therefore, If any man is in Christ, he is a new creation. Old things are passed away. Behold, all things become new.” II Cor. 5:17

A farmer was taking two of his prized animals, a pig and a lamb, to the county fair. Both of them had been scrubbed squeaky clean and donned with a bow on their tail. “Now stay clean!” he warned them, “So you can help me win today’s prize!” Just as the judges were approaching the platform, both the lamb and the pig noticed a fresh puddle of mud, and the pig leaped off the table splat down in the mud. It wasn’t really his fault. He was simply doing what pigs do. 

You were born with a pig’s heart known as the sin nature, but when you got born again, your pig’s heart was replaced with a brand new heart. Not reformed or rehabbed, but a new, superior species. In Christ, you’ll have new desires, new abilities, new ways of thinking and new reasons for living because Jesus, the Lamb of God, now lives in you.

Focus: The first Adam messed it up. The Second Adam fixed it up.
The Mirror: Jesus Christ is the Second Adam. 
Reflection: I am a New Creation. II Cor. 5:17

Jesus, the Rejected One

Is. 53:3 | Mt. 27:46 | Is. 53:3-5

Is in You

“…He made me accepted in the Beloved.” Eph. 1:6

A dying man told a friend, “I’ve tried my best, but I’m afraid that God will never accept me.” He was jolted when his Christian friend replied, “I agree with you, my friend, He never will, but God has accepted His Son, and as you accept His redeeming love, you will find God’s acceptance towards you.” 

 “In The Beloved” by Civilla D. Martin, 1930 

In the Beloved, accepted am I, Risen, ascended, and seated on high

Saved from all sin through His infinite grace, With the redeemed ones accorded a place. 

“In the Beloved,” God’s marvelous grace, Calls me to dwell in this wonderful place;

God sees my Savior, and then He sees me, “In the Beloved,” accepted and free.

“In the Beloved,” how safe my retreat, In the Beloved, accounted complete;

Who can condemn me? In Him I am free, Savior and Keeper forever is He.

Being “Accepted in the Beloved” is a positional truth which fulfills the strongest, emotional need known to the human experience and releases you from the Performance Trap of earning God’s favor.

Focus: God accepts all who accept His Son by grace through faith!
Who’s In The Mirror: Jesus Christ, The Rejected One
Reflection: I am accepted in the Beloved.

Jesus, the Lover of My Soul

Song of Sol. 2:1 | Ps. 139:17 | Is. 49:16 | Ps. 139:14 | Jer. 31:3

Is in You

“Blessed be God and Father … He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world…” Eph. 1:4

Forty high school sophomores in their formal gowns were competing for the coveted “Most Beautiful” crown. I was among them wearing peach chiffon. As I compared myself to the hopefuls, I actually pitied them, knowing the disappointment they were about to experience. I was sure to win.

Why wouldn’t I? My sisters and I were nurtured by the frequent words of our adoring father, “You’re the prettiest. You’re the smartest. You’re the best.” I believed him! . Imagine my shock when I wasn’t even chosen to be in the top ten finalists. My nice sister had to explain that not everyone saw me through our father’s eyes. 

But you have a heavenly Father who chose you, and before He created the galaxies, had a plan to invite you into His love. Congratulations! You won the real crown.

Focus: Mountains, waterfalls, and oceans…He chose me before He created them
The Mirror: Jesus Christ is the Lover of Your Soul
Reflection: He chose me … in love. Eph. 1:4

Jesus, Firstborn of Many Brethren

Is. 9:6 | Rom. 8:29 | Jer. 31:3 | Ps. 139:14 | Col. 1:18 

Is in You

 “He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to HImself…” Eph. 1:5

What do Augustus Caesar, Nelson Mandela, Nancy Reagan and Tim McGraw have in common? They were all adopted. Adoptions don’t come easy. My special friend, Dorcas, raised two fine sons and then adopted four Romanian daughters. It included multiple international trips, thousands of dollars and a plethora of bureaucratic paperwork. Nevertheless, she didn’t endure nearly what your Savior endured to adopt you in His Father’s family. That is a sobering reality. 

You are not an accident! Your mom might have told you that, but your Father knows differently. At a young age, His love began to draw you to Himself. Why? Because His will was to adopt you into His family, so you could enjoy the same rights, privileges and inheritance as His other children.

Focus: You have been adopted by a rich Father with a huge family. 
Who’s In The Mirror: Jesus, The Firstborn Among Many Brethren
Reflection: I am adopted. Eph. 1:4 

Jesus, the Lamb of God

Is. 53:7b | Jn. 1:29 | Rev. 17:14 | I Pt. 1:19

Is in You

“The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses me from all sin.” I Jn. 1:7

The story is told of a man who was praying for divine intervention. Satan appeared and mocked his attempt to pray. “There’s no use praying, my friend. I’ve created a photo album with over 100 of your worst sins to prove your guilt. God will never answer your prayers.” The guy was pretty shook up, remembering the many times he was failed God, his wife and his family. 

That night he dreamed about the photo album and saw Satan making his case before the Lord. “Look at these pages of sin,” said the devil. “He’s guilty as charged.” “Hand me that album,” said the Righteous Judge. Thumbing through the pages, He replied, “These photos are indistinguishable to Me. What is smeared across each photo? OH! Wait! I recognize it now. That’s the blood of My Son. Case dismissed. Not Guilty!

Focus: The Judge that pronounced you guilty also paid your fine. 
Who’s In The Mirror: Jesus is the Lamb of God
Reflection: I am cleansed by the blood of Jesus.

Jesus, the Sinless One 

Is. 53:6c | II Cor. 5:21a | Is. 53:12 | I Jn. 2:1

Is in You

“But He made him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” II Cor. 5:21 

A financial advisor called her client with some unbelievably great news. “An anonymous philanthropist has paid off your entire debt of $30,000 dollars, and it gets even better than that!” 

Oh My! This is too good to be true,” said the single mom, strapped with student loans and credit card debt.  “What better news could there possibly be?” she asked. 

You’d better sit down, my friend. I am holding in my hand a confirmed Letter of Credit. He not only paid your debt, but also credited your account with $12,000.00 dollars!” 

This is a picture of what Jesus Christ did for you on Calvary’s cross. He paid your debt of sin, but also credited His righteousness into your spiritual account. Righteousness means you are approved and accepted in God’s eyes. It is the ability to stand in His presence without any sense of guilt, condemnation, or inferiority. What a deal!

Focus: Righteousness is a gift, not a reward.
Who’s In The Mirror: Jesus Christ, The Sinless One
Reflection: I am righteous in Him. II Cor. 5:21 

© 2021 Signs and Wonders Today is a publication from Burchfield Ministries International. All Rights Reserved.

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