Four Things God Says about You

Did you know that God has a lot to say about you? There are four things that He declares about you in II Corinthians 5:17-21. They will probably seem too good to be true, but they’re a reality. I say, “If God said, I believe it, and that settles it.” 

You Are A New Creature

Let’s consider open-heart surgery. Sometimes the surgeon can repair the existing heart, but other times, it’s so damaged that he gives the patient a brand new heart. Technically, it’s not a new heart. It belonged to someone else, but they donated it for the patient’s use. When you accept the Lord Jesus Christ, the Heart Specialist doesn’t fix your heart, He gives you a brand new one – His! There are two Greek words for “new.” The first one implies “renovated,” as an old house that gets repaired. God doesn’t just repair your heart, He gives you a brand new one. 

The other word means “a fresh brand new existence.” He didn’t renovate you or fix you up. “For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.” Jer. 31:34  When you got born again, you became a completely new creature! Try to remember this when you feel guilty about your past. According to God, your past no longer exists. When you accepted Jesus as your Savior, God pushed the “delete” button and your sins and sin nature were gone forever. 

You Have A Ministry

“Now all things are of God, Who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation.” II Cor. 5:18 Did you know that all believers have a ministry? Sometimes people seem to think that only their pastors or missionaries have a ministry. Not so! If you are a believer, God gave you the most important ministry there is a ministry to bring people back to Him. There are many you know who once loved God and walked away, but you have a ministry to bring them back. Let God use you. Ask Him who needs to be reminded of His love. I believe a name will come to your mind, or you’ll cross the path of someone who needs reconciliation. Don’t ever say, “I’m not very important because I don’t sing or preach.” My friend, God says, “You have a mighty ministry of bringing people to My great love.” What an honor, a joy, a responsibility. 

You Are An Ambassador

An ambassador represents his country in a foreign land. If their government is wealthy, they are provided with everything they need to do the task at hand: transportation, food, housing, children’s schooling, and even military protection. God says that you are His ambassador! You represent His government, which is the Kingdom of God. Is His Kingdom wealthy enough to provide for you? You bet it is! Why, heaven will provide everything you need, if you take representing Him seriously. If God says we are ambassadors, then let’s act like it. Let’s look like it. Dress up sometimes. You’re on important business, friends. The Father has put you at your place of employment to represent Him. Hold your head high. Talk and walk like an ambassador. If you need to get something done for Him, call upon His government supply, in which there is no lack.

You Are Righteous

Have you ever made a good trade? If you traded in a slow computer for a faster one, then that’s a good trade. But what if you traded in your slow computer for the entire Microsoft Corporation? That’s a better picture of what God says about your righteousness. You were a sinner with no hope of ever being good enough to pass through Heaven’s door. Sin cannot be in heaven, yet God loved you so much, that He was willing to do something extreme to allow you entrance into His presence. God said, “I’ll trade you My righteousness, for your sin.” Can you fathom that, my friend? God said, “You’ll never be good enough (righteous enough) to be in My presence, so I’ll give you Mine.” This is not a loan. This is a gift! II Corinthians 5:21 says, “He made Him Who knew no sin to become sin, that you might become the righteousness of God in Christ.” What a deal, Lucille! It’s like enjoying the local Country Club by using your big brother’s membership card. You couldn’t afford it, but you’ve got connections. Well, Jesus is your Elder Brother and He loves you so extravagantly, that He paid the price for you to enjoy all the benefits of Heaven.

These four things that God says about you are a FACT. Stop believing what everyone else says about you and listen to what God has to say. His opinions are right and they are the only ones that matter. “If God said it, I believe it, and that settles it.”

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