Seasons are changing. Naturally, we are transitioning from summer to fall. We see the changes in the leaves, and we feel the change in the temperature. However, there is another change that is happening. It is not only a natural season change, but a spiritual change, a spiritual transition.
In January of 2020, the Lord impressed in my heart two scriptures. The first was Psalms 139:14.
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
Ps. 139:14
The word wonderfully in the original Hebrew means “to be distinct, marked out, be separate, be distinguished.” This passage brings to our understanding that we are fashioned and created very specifically for a specific purpose and that we should stand out.
The second passage the Lord dropped on my heart was Ephesians 5:15-16.
See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
Eph. 5:15-17
The Greek word circumspectly means “exactly, accurately, and diligently.”
With all that the spirit of the world has done and is doing, the Spirit of God was graciously letting us know what time it is. It is time to stand up, stand out, and do what we, as believers, were created to do. Sure, we are saved and going to church, but there is more.
Every weapon in my gun safe has a specific purpose, and every tool in my toolbox has an intended use. But, unfortunately, we sometimes live mediocre lives by just “doing life.” Maybe it is our careers, our families, or other good things. But there is more for us, more for our families, and God desires to pour the “more” on us.
It is time to press into our fellowship with the Spirit of God so that we can begin to walk in “precision.” God still has greater assignments for us that we have not tapped into because we have been busy. But now is the time. Whatever is in your heart, whatever God has spoken to you recently or maybe years ago, it is time to step into God’s perfect will.
It is time to dial in our aim and live on purpose, live accurately to the plan that God destined us for.
Lastly, we all know the story of the 11th-hour marketplace workers in Matthew 20. The workers who worked from the beginning of the day received the same pay as those who worked the last hour of the day. So what was Jesus saying to us here? Simply this: Sure, you might have misused time doing other things, and yes, years were wasted serving our own desires, but the grace of God will meet you right where you are so that you can stand up and stand out and take part in this last day’s revival. God says we still have great purpose, and He is ready for us to step out of the crowd of “common” and begin to live the life of purpose.
Jesus will cause time to be redeemed so you can fulfill your destiny and finish your race accurately, exactly, and with precision.