The Overcoming Lifestyle

This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith. I John 5:4

A young woman cried at my kitchen table in despair.

She loved God, spoke in tongues, and even taught the Bible to children, yet still battled with bulimia, which is a serious eating disorder. “It’s as if an invisible force pushes me to the donut stand,” she cried. “I know that I’m going to regret it, but I park my car and walk inside anyway.” There in the privacy of her car, she gulps nine sugar-glazed donuts.

She didn’t know just how accurate she was. There IS an evil invisible force and it’s called the power of sin. It is the same invisible force that caused Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. It’s real. It whispers compromise to teenagers and pushes married adults into adultery. If you allow it, it will push you into debt, selfishness, alcoholism, and every other expression of evil. But, with your faith, you can learn to recognize it and push back!

Jesus Broke The Power of Sin

The best-kept secret among the Body of Christ is what happened at Calvary. While Jesus was crucified on a cross that invisible force, the power of sin, slithered up to choke the life out of Him. Stupid devil. He thought he had successfully killed Jesus, God’s only Son, but three days later, Jesus was resurrected and BROKE the power of sin, once and for all. Make note that He didn’t eradicate sin, but the power of sin. It still exists, but it has lost its’ power over you. It can no longer influence or control you unless you permit it to do so. 

A missionary friend recently sent me an email with a funny story about their Christian School in Botswana, Africa. It was Show-And-Tell and two boys brought their python snakes! The teachers had no way of contacting their parents, so they put the two pythons in separate sacks and placed them in the school office until dismissal! Well, Jesus did more than put the Serpent in a sack, He took his fangs out. Sin can scream all it wants, but it can’t destroy you unless you let it out of that sack. Jesus broke its power (or ability to influence) forever. 

Your Enemy Is Not The Devil

Your enemy is not the devil. Your enemy is your flesh. Keep in mind that your flesh and body are different. Your body is a physical masterpiece that is fearfully and wonderfully made. Your flesh, however, still contains that invisible force that gravitates towards sin. Paul said, “In my flesh dwells no good thing.” I call them to flesh fights. You’ll have them as long as you are in your earthly body, but through Jesus, you can overcome. 

The Secret To Overcoming

You’re learning today that ‘the presence of sin’ lays dormant in your flesh and the “power of faith” lays dormant in your spirit. The secret to an overcoming lifestyle is to feed your spirit and starve your flesh. Begin doing the exact opposite of what your flesh craves. If it’s screaming for an outburst of rage, instead extend your hand out and bless them. If your flesh is drowning in self-pity, call someone else who’s lonely and comfort him or her. Listen to uplifting Christian music and feed yourself the Word of God daily. God’s Word is food to your spirit. Feed yourself on the Bread of Life daily. Tell your screaming flesh that the power of sin has been broken and you don’t have to obey its demands anymore.

You Have What You Need

The Lord Jesus paid for and has provided everything you will ever need to live in victory. You have the Name of Jesus, the Blood of Jesus, the Word of God, and the power of the Holy Spirit available at all times. Deny your flesh – you won’t die; in fact, you’ll begin to step into a realm of victory that you never knew possible.

Jn. 19:30, Rom. 6:11-14, 7:14, 8:13, Ps. 139:14, I Jn. 4:4

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