Hearing God’s Voice Today

God is speaking to you today. Are you listening? Let me give you four ways to recognize His voice so you can grow in His presence and fulfill His purposes.

God Speaks Through Creation

“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows His handiwork.” Psalm 19:11 The majesty of God’s creation is incomparable to even the most advanced technology.

Developing a love for nature is a sure way to sense the presence of the Lord. A sun-kissed lake or the endless sound of ocean waves reveal evidence of the Creator. Have you ever been mesmerized by a dancing campfire under a canopy of towering trees? How wonderful! My grandmother and aunt loved to knit and embroider. Many of their handiworks are proudly displayed in our home today. God displays His handiwork in nature. The stars in the sky are like cosmic evangelists declaring, “There is a God!” Many a searcher has met the Creator as they marveled at His creation. Something tells them there is more to life than the existence they presently know. That “something” is the Creator. For believers, we are confident there is a Designer behind these beautiful designs of nature. 

God Speaks Through His Son, Jesus Christ

Would you like to see a picture of God? Turn in your Bible to the gospels and read about Jesus. As you read about Jesus, you are seeing God in action. Do you want to hear God speak to you? Simply read the words of Jesus. Jesus said, “I don’t speak My words, but the words of My Father.” John 14:10 To learn what God says about children, learn what Jesus said about children. To hear God speak to you about priorities,

read what Jesus said about priorities in Matthew 6:33“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.” You might say, “But Rachel, that was Jesus talking to everyone, not me.” True, but when you read your Bible as if it were a love letter, you’ll discover that the words of Jesus are God speaking directly to you.

The entire Bible is a book about a Father and His family.

Rachel Burchfield

God Speaks Through His Word

The entire Bible is a book about a Father and His family. It is a pilgrim’s map, a captain’s compass, and a how-to manual written just for you. The heart and voice of your Father fill every page. God speaks to quiet, unrushed hearts that don’t put Him on a clock. I believe if you will dedicate fifteen minutes each day to the Word of God, He’ll speak to you profoundly. There will be wonderful times of refreshing when you can enjoy long, uninterrupted times with Him. But a good “maintenance mode” for busy people, is fifteen minutes. Sound hard? Begin with five or ten minutes a day. As you read a chapter, you might get “drawn” to a certain scripture. It seems to jump off the pages. Perhaps it has a personal interest in you. This is God speaking to you through His Word. Read it over and over prayerfully. The Holy Spirit, who is your Tutor, will give you a clear understanding. Adjust your life accordingly, and He’ll speak again and again.

God Speaks Through An “Inner Witness”

You can be confident in your ability to hear God’s voice as you understand your “inner witness.” When you accept Jesus as your personal Savior, something powerful occurred inside of you. Your spirit, which was dead to God, became alive! You became a new creation. God placed inside of your Spirit-man what I like to call a “knower.” The Bible doesn’t call it a “knower.” The Bible calls it an “inner witness.” Rom. 8:16 Most of the time, God doesn’t speak to you in detailed instructions. He gives you a “knowing,” or an “inner witness.” You’ll just know that you know. Growing in God’s Word and an honest prayer life causes your inner witness to become as loud as your teenager’s music.

Young people often ask me, “How will I know who I’m supposed to marry?” Adults ask me, “How will I know when to sell my house, or trust my children with more independence?” Well, you’ll just know in your “knower.”

Do you want to hear God speak to you this week? Stare into a starry sky, read a few chapters in Luke, meditate all week on one verse that you were drawn to, and listen more to your “knower.” You’ll hear His voice of love, and receive instructions for your days ahead.

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