Healed, Whole, and Happy

“Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely, [sound and complete] and may your whole spirit, soul, and body is preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you [to Himself] is faithful, who also will do it.” I Th. 5:23-24

What a wonderful, loving God we serve; One who wants us healed, whole, and happy in all areas of our life. God created us with a desire to be whole.

No one woke up today and said, “Gee, I sure do want to be sick, broken, and sad today.” Even before we became new creatures in Christ, it was in our human nature to be healed, whole, and happy. How much more so now that the very life and purposes of God abide in our recreated spirit.


God wants you to experience His three-fold peace; wholeness in all three parts of your being. You have known people who were physically healed, yet mentally tormented with worry. Wholeness is in their body, but not their mind. Three things are revealed to you clearly from our Bible text today: 1) You are a triune being; spirit, soul, and body 2) Peace is a Person 3) Calvary bought you a triune peace; physical peace, emotional/mental peace, and most importantly is spiritual peace when you receive Jesus Christ as your Savior.


Look at our text closely. You’ll find the description of God is the “God of peace Himself.” Peace is a Person! In the book of Judges, He revealed Himself to Gideon as Jehovah Shalom, (Jdg. 6:24) in Isaiah, He is the Prince of peace, (Is. 9:6) and in Hebrews, we meet this God of Peace as Jesus, that great Shepherd of the Sheep. (Heb. 13:20)

This Person called ‘Peace’ is calling you to Himself. He longs to replace your tormenting thoughts with His peace. He patiently waits for you to accept the good news that “Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.” As you respond to His invitations, you’ll discover that He is faithful to replace chaos and release peace into you. “Faithful is He who called you [to Himself] who also will do it.”  I Th. 5:24  Sometimes it’s a process, yet other times instantaneous, but the result of His peace will always be healing; spirit, soul, and body.


God is so committed to your healing that He provided many doors to bring healing into your house. After all, your physical body is His house.

1) Jesus’ example – Mt. 8:16   2) The laying on of hands  Mk. 16:15    3) The elders’ anointing oil  James 5:14   4) The Word mixed with faith  Ps. 107:20   5) The Gifts of Spirit  I Cor. 12:4  6) The Lord’s Supper  Lk. 24:30  7) Special miracles  Acts 19:11  8) The believer’s authority  Mt. 18:19  9) Natural methods  II Kings 20:7, Mt. 9:12

Even in the physical realm, the body was created to heal itself. Those who believe it might not be God’s will to heal them are wrong to seek recovery through doctors and natural means. No! Healing is recorded in the Old Testament, Jesus healed all who came to Him and delegated His healing power to believers today. “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever.”Heb. 13:8


Your brain is truly amazing. It is a medical fact that whatever gets into your mind will get into your body. Some scientists have concluded that 70,000 thoughts go through your mind daily, many of which bring corresponding emotions. Fear releases 1,400 known chemicals that become toxic and destructive to you mentally, emotionally, and physically. No wonder we read “Fear Not” or something similar over 356 times throughout the Scriptures. That’s every day for a year. God’s Word gives us what is now a medically proven prescription for mental health and emotional wholeness. “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything with prayer and supplication, let your requests be made known to God.”  Ph. 4:6

Did you know that within just four days of positive thinking, your brain begins to be re-shaped? Within twenty-one days, your brain can create an entirely new pathway that ushers in health throughout your body. Think happy!

My suggestion to a being “Healed, Whole and Happy” is to surrender to the God of Peace, allowing Him to teach you His wonderful ways. In doing so, His peace will adjust your perspective, evaluate your priorities, and infiltrate every part of you. His triune-peace will eventually bring health and wholeness to you because that’s Who He is and that’s what He does.

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