Faith’s Five Foundational Facts

Many believers who are born again never grow in faith. They are reduced to a life controlled by natural limitations and dead-end circumstances. But to those who dare to “walk by faith and not by sight,” all things are possible! Learn these foundations of faith and enjoy life…God’s way. 

FAITH IS A LAW   (Rom. 3:27)

Law is a binding rule or procedure, which is recognized and enforced by the authority of a person or organization. For example, it is the law in America to stop at a stop sign. We stop, not because we want to or because it’s red, but because an organization called the Department of Public Safety said so. If you choose to break that law, it’s going to cost you and their authority will see to it that you pay. You might attempt to cry your way out of that ticket, but the Judge will not be moved. You broke the law and the Judge, and all of the authority, which he represents, stands behind that law.

Faith is also a law and all of Heaven’s court will stand behind it. Anywhere. Anytime. For anyone. Any age. Natural Laws vs. Faith Laws. (Gen. 17:17 vs. Rom. 4:20)  Abram had to decide which law would govern him when God’s promise to become a “father of nations” was given to him. He chose Faith Law and stepped into his destiny. Settle it forever, my friend, that you will not be controlled by natural laws. Faith is a law that supersedes the natural realm every time.


When you were born again, a measure of faith was given to you. That measure can increase or decrease. For example, if you want to measure a pile of dirt, you can use a teaspoon or a shovel. Many believers want “shovels” of blessings, but are living on “teaspoon” faith. Jesus referred to the concept of these measures of faith several times. He described those with no faith (Mk. 4:40), little faith (Mt. 6:30), and great faith (Mt. 8:10). At the centurion’s great faith, he marveled. He can marvel at your faith, too, if you learn to “speak the Word only” and not demand physical evidence of your miracles.

FAITH IS A MUSCLE   (Rom. 4:20)

What’s the difference between a Popeye-wimp and a champion body-builder? They both have seven hundred muscles, yet the Popeye-wimp has never developed his. Faith is like a muscle and you can build it just like the body-builder who carefully feeds himself and works out. As you feed yourself the Word of God (Rom.10:17), your workouts will require you to obey it at all costs. Every time you “Trust in the Lord and lean not to your understanding” (Prv. 3:5-6), your faith muscle will grow. You’ll be strong in faith as you become “fully persuaded that what He has promised, He was able also to perform.” (Rom. 4:20)


If you are an employer, you can understand this fourth fact about faith quite easily. Every morning, you send out your employees with their tasks for the day. It makes no difference if they like you or not. They do as they are told. If makes no difference if they like their job. They do as they are told. Friends, faith (God’s Word in your mouth) is your servant. When you send the Word out, on behalf of a sick friend or a business opportunity, the Word goes out to work; and it never comes back empty-handed. The Word works every time, everywhere, for everyone.  (Is. 55:10)  Incidentally, God is not your heavenly ATM. Faith is the servant of the Word. Selah.

FAITH IS A SEED    (Mk. 4:14)  

Jesus spoke thirty-one parables and only “The Sower” is in all four gospels. I believe that this is significant because it is so vitally important to our walk of faith. It alerts us to “weeds” that will choke the Word and our responsibility to create a fertile heart. An amazing promise belongs to those who guard (garden) their hearts, so the seed of God’s Word can grow and produce a one hundredfold return. Such a harvest includes God’s abundant best in every area of your life and all of your days will be counted for eternity.

Purpose in your heart today to rise above the natural realm and live by faith. Take these five foundational facts and determine to “walk by faith and not by sight,”  for this is the type of life that pleases God.

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