There is much teaching about what Jesus did during His earth walk; healing the sick and the telling of parables. There is also much teaching about the His wrestlings of prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane and the sufferings on Calvary. But all that He did in His earthly ministry and at Calvary would be in vain were it not for what He is doing today. Understanding the present-day ministry of Jesus Christ will introduce you to a life of peace, purpose, and confidence with God and man.
Three Views Of Jesus
People’s perspective of Jesus’ ministry can be categorized into three categories:
- Jesus before the Cross – Man of sorrow
- Jesus on the Cross – The Son made sin
- Jesus seated at the Right Hand
While each view is powerful in its own right, the first two were preparatory for today’s heavenly role in our earthly lives.
High Priest
What an ordeal Israel had to undergo to be rid of their sin. The constant shedding of sacrificial animals consumed their time and their thoughts. Over and over, month after month and year after year, the High Priest had to take blood into the Holy of Holies to gain temporary atonement. Hebrews chapters 8 and 9 say that Jesus entered into the heavenly Sanctuary and “offered His own blood once and for all.” He is our High Priest forever. His blood speaks over you every day. His blood cries out, “Your guilt is gone. You are cleansed. You are forgiven.” Heb. 9:12-15, 9:25,10:1-4
Your guilt is gone. You are cleansed. You are forgiven.
Most unbelievers realize that they are too sinful to approach a holy God on their merit, so they look to someone else to mediate. Patron saints, Catholic priests, or even a godly mentor are often looked upon to help them reach God. This is not necessary. The good news is that 1 Timothy 2:5 says that “For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus…” Jesus’ Blood became like a bridge between unholy man and a holy God. He now presents man as holy and righteous, giving His children a right to approach the Father.
Jesus is the mediator for the sinner, but He is the intercessor for Christians. Why do we need an intercessor? Because even though our eternal spirit is recreated, we still live in a fallen world. While our minds are being renewed and we are learning to walk by faith and not by sight, “He ever lives to make intercession” for us. Praise God! You can be assured that His prayers are heard and answered. Heb. 7:25
The definition of an advocate is “one who pleads the case” for another. I John 2:1 says, “…and if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.” This is God’s method of maintaining our fellowship with Him. Confess your sin to Jesus, your Advocate and He’ll plead your case to the Father reminding Him that, although your blood is not worthy to forgive your sin, His is! You can trust in Jesus, your Advocate. He has never lost a case! Fellowship with God includes both confessing your sin and receiving your forgiveness. Most of us are good at confessing our sin but don’t stop there. Receive your forgiveness and never discuss that sin again.
Lord of All
The term “Lord” holds the highest position in the universe and is used 700 times in the New Testament. After Adam’s fall, Satan became what God should have been – man’s father. Through the entrance of sin and death, Satan dominated mankind. The lordship of Satan had to be broken by a man and it was. Jesus Christ earned the legal position of Lord by conquering death and obtaining complete dominion of Satan. Hallelujah! Jesus is Lord.
Head of the Church
Ephesians 1:22 says that “He has put all things under His feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him that fills all in all.” What is Jesus doing today? He is the Head of the Church, which is heaven’s headquarters on earth. He is releasing unlimited hope and healing for hurting humanity through the Church. Praise Him!
Let’s not just focus on the Lord Jesus’ earth life or crucifixion, as wonderful as it was. Let’s honor His significant present-day ministry as our High Priest, Mediator, Intercessor, Advocate, Lord of All, and Head of the Church, too, and allow Him to rule and reign through us.