We are living in exciting times. People are so desperate for hope and help that they are very open to God’s love. You have what they need and you have Who you need because you are already a believer in Jesus Christ. As you read this article, I’d like to challenge your priorities. My objective today is to create an eternal perspective of everything you do and everyone you meet. God’s will is very simple. Value what God values and point people to Jesus.
You Have a Ministry
People are the only thing going to heaven. Your sports trophies won’t live forever, but the guys in the locker room will. Your financial portfolio won’t last forever, but your bankers and business colleagues will. Your Bow-flex body isn’t eternal, but every person in that gym is. Let’s put our priorities on pointing people towards eternity and introducing them to Jesus.
II Corinthians 5:20 says that God gave you a ministry of reconciliation. That means you have an anointing to either bring people to God for the first time or reconcile them back to the Lord. When you truly believe that “Your steps are ordered of the Lord,” you’ll realize your daily encounters with people are not a coincidence. God wants you to point them to Jesus.
Soulwinning Pressure
I want to adjust your concept of what it means to be a soul winner for Jesus. That term conjures up knocking on doors, preaching in bars, and leaving your waitress gospel tracts. (instead of the fair tip she deserves) I am certainly not opposed to any of those avenues, but salvation is usually a progressive reality of who Jesus is, not an emotional response.
Several years ago, a friend told me about a party he attended in a couple’s lovely dream home. Because it was in a remote, undeveloped wooded area, they had placed one of their four teenagers at every significant turn in the road. They functioned as a team to get the guests to their father. All they did was smile and point people in the right direction. What a great picture of true soul winning. The Father plants believers at every significant turn of someone’s life to point them to Jesus. Sometimes you’ll be led to quietly pray or say a kind word, while other times, you’ll experience the joy of actually praying that sinner’s prayer with them. Paul said, “…one plants, another waters, but God gives the increase.”
A Few Pointers
Recognizing that God’s will is to point people to Jesus, here are three-pointers. First, pray daily and accept Ps. 37:23, believing that “…your steps are ordered of the Lord.” You’ll then find great purpose in untimely visitors, long lines, and unscheduled meetings. Secondly, select a life phrase that you say so often to people that it will become second nature to you. “God bless you, Jesus loves you,” and “Be blessed” are good considerations. I like to say, “It’s safe to trust Jesus” and “I’m going to say a prayer for you today.” People will usually be very appreciative and, eventually, ask you more about the Lord. Thirdly, consider a bold, aggressive approach with those you know are going the wrong direction or in a difficult season. Send a card, e-mail, voicemail, or gift with an honest, heartfelt message of “You don’t have to live confused or sad. Jesus died for you to have abundant life. Trust Him. Call me. We’re both listening.”
Tommy’s Prophetic Word
We’ve already seen the fulfillment of Tommy’s prophetic word that “Jesus will be revealed in many unusual ways” as the Father awakens mankind’s spiritual needs. On October 30, 2010, the Opera Company of Philadelphia and 650 choristers sang the “Hallelujah Chorus” in Macy’s. Flash mobs in a Canadian mall’s food courts did the same thing, singing Handel’s masterpiece to thousands of confused Christmas shoppers. Their busy, senseless lives were interrupted with Jesus, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords being exalted and celebrated. The very next month, in Melbourne, Australia, the secular pop-rock group U2 sang “Amazing Grace” and 100,000 people in the stadium joined in. Friends, don’t get religious on me. Even if the stadium was filled with stoned sinners, the song pointed people to Jesus Christ. Let’s rejoice and watch for more of these unusual revealings…and perhaps the Holy Spirit will give you some creative ways to point people to Jesus, too.