Let The Wind Blow!

As I have learned to wait upon the Lord, He has both thundered and whispered His instructions in my spirit. More times than not, I keep them to myself, just as “Mary pondered them in her heart.” But herein recently, He spoke to my heart with these words, “Let the wind blow!”I sensed instantly that this was an instruction to the Church.

Sumrall’s Vision

Many years ago, God gave Bro. Lester Sumrall a visitation about the last days. He saw a road with several churches on both sides of the street. On one side of the street, the churches were filled with full parking lots. Singing and shouting could be heard through the windows. On the other side of the road, churches were empty and some of their front doors were chained closed. “Lord, what does this mean?” asked this legendary Apostolic Missionary, who is enjoying his eternal reward today. The Lord replied, “The churches which are thriving are those who have welcomed the Person and ministry of the Holy Ghost, but those on the other side have rejected Him.” “He who has an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Rev. 2:7

Sometimes a Breeze, Sometimes a Wind

Acts 2:2 records that “suddenly” moment when the Holy Spirit moved from heaven to earth. He came as a rushing mighty wind and the church was born. It has been our experience that He blows differently in each service. Sometimes, a gentle breeze of mercy; other times, a gale of His power. Regardless, dear friend, let the wind blow!

The Holy Spirit Reveals Jesus

The Holy Spirit is a Person. Just as Jesus came to show the world who God the Father was, the Holy Spirit came to reveal Jesus to you and in you. That’s what He does, both in your personal life and in your church. Think of a Spotlight Cameraman. As you pray and read the Word, He spotlights which aspect of Jesus you need to honor that specific moment. Deliverer? Friend of sinners? Servant? Meditate on Him and He’ll be magnified in you.

Welcome the Holy Spirit

Since the Holy Spirit is a gentleman, He only goes where he is invited. Learn to welcome him into your daily routine, decisions, and dilemmas. Pastors, we need to welcome Him back into our services and let Him have full control. I know that you have concerns about “wild fire,” but I’d rather have “wild fire” than no fire!

The Holy Spirit Brings LIBERTY

“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” II Cor. 3:17 When the Holy Spirit is totally in control, amazing things happen. Tommy says, “God can more in one moment than you could do in a natural lifetime.” How right he is. How many, many services we’ve watched the Holy Spirit take our planned service and rearrange it or spotlight just one of the three sermon points or throw the whole list out and do something unexpected. Let the wind blow!

In 1976, I experienced the wind of God in a Sunday service. The Lord anointed a simple chorus called “Therefore The Redeemed of the Lord.” The more we sang it, the stronger the anointing became. Over and over we sang and freer and freer the people became. Pastor Wilkerson said, “I’m putting my sermon aside. Let’s sing and rejoice in His presence.” It was as if a bucket of sweet honey poured upon the people. Forty minutes later, (singing the same chorus) hundreds had been saved, healed, or filled with supernatural joy. It’s amazing what God can do all by Himself. Let the wind blow!

“God can more in one moment than you could do in a natural lifetime.”

Pastor Tommy Burchfield

The Holy Spirit Brings GIFTS

“My presence brings presents!” These were His words to me during the 2004 National Women’s Retreats. As we welcomed Him over a microphone, the Gifts of the Spirit began to flow. A powerful demonstration of deliverance occurred for forty-six women who carried guilt over abortions or fear over rape. Let the wind blow!

Stir Up the Gifts

I’m challenging all believers to “stir up the gift that is within you” by speaking in tongues more often and setting aside time for focused prayer and fasting. Study the nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit and ask Him to use you mightily. God has used apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers in wonderful ways, but this is the day for the believers to rise in the love and power of the Holy Spirit. Dare to let God use you. Be filled daily with the precious Spirit of Jesus and “Let the Wind blow!”

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