God doesn’t love you because you’re valuable. You’re valuable because He loves you. Before you were even born, God loved you. His love for you is not determined by your life’s performance such as whether you pray enough or raised great kids. He simply loves you. We’re going to spend some time today focusing on God’s love. Not God’s love for the world, for the sinner or the Church, but God’s love for you. Most people focus on their mistakes or inadequacies, but today’s challenge is to focus on God’s love for you.
You don’t need to read very far into your Bible to find God’s love covering man’s blunders. In Genesis ch. 3, we find Adam and Eve hiding from the Lord. They were filled with fear over their sin and shame over their nakedness. Instead of condemning them, the Lord killed an innocent animal and covered them with its’ skin. What a beautiful picture of God’s redeeming love. God’s love will cover your shame today, too, if you’ll not hide from Him.
There is a predictable pattern of God’s interaction with mankind. You’ll find it in both the Old and New Testament: he takes a nobody and makes them somebody. Think of how King David reached out to Mephibosheth who was a crippled fugitive and hiding in fear of the king. Instead of the torture he expected, David invited him to live the rest of his days in the palace. Think of the guilty adulteress who was dragged before Jesus. Although she deserved death, Jesus gave her hope. God’s love makes you feel special and gives you dignity.
No one is beyond God’s love. His love is endless and unconditional. If you struggle with a constant sense of unworthiness, begin to focus on His love for you. Not just His love, but His love for you! His love is not dependent on your behavior, but His character. He loves a murderer as much as He loves your pastor. Think about it! Meditate on it. Grow secure in His love. As you meditate on God’s love for you, you’ll begin to be forgiven, healed, and filled with a new sense of value and purpose.
As God’s love for you develops, you’ll begin to look outward and see how much other people need His love. At some point, you’ll realize that you have what others need. You’ll begin to reach out beyond your shyness and fear of people’s opinions. You’ll find yourself saying, “God bless you” to waitresses and even wear a Christian t-shirt. What’s happening to you? You’re beginning to see people as they are; lonely, fearful, and desperately needing a purpose. Yes, God’s love for you changed everything and now, God’s love through you is changing everything!
All of us have some obligations that we dread. Maybe it’s a step-child coming for a visit or a stack of bills that you need to pay. Have you considered allowing God to give you His perspective of that task? Don’t you believe that God’s love changes everything? I do! Now don’t get fooled into thinking that everything will suddenly cater to your convenience. God doesn’t always change those difficult situations, but He does change your perspective.
I know a woman who had the care of her elderly father-in-law. She was quite resentful that this task had fallen upon her, instead of another relative. As she was complaining to the Lord one morning, He asked her, “Would it annoy you as much if you were caring for Me?” She was then reminded of the scripture that says “Whatever you do to the least of them, you are doing it for Me.” Mt. 25:36 For the next nine months until the dear man went to be with the Lord, that woman cheerfully took care of him as though he were Jesus. God’s love didn’t change him, but it changed her.
Get busy! If you are a believer, then the love of God already dwells in you. Don’t pray for what you already have. It isn’t a feeling and it doesn’t come and go according to your moods. As you love “by faith”, your feelings will line up and you’ll realize that indeed, God’s love changes everything.