That thermostat on your wall may look insignificant, but it can prevent long stretches of uncomfortable moments. If your room is too hot or too cold, you can simply adjust it and life is happy once again. A believer’s praise life can be likened to a thermostat. When praise is not “set correctly,” negative circumstances of life can be overwhelming. Believers who understand the priority of praise, however, enjoy a God-centered life filled with peace and un-explainable joy. Psalm 150 is like a mounting crescendo of a great symphony. We are exhorted thirteen times in six short verses to praise the Lord. I would encourage you to read it out loud today. It gives us the where, why, how, and who of praise. The what is not specifically mentioned because it is quite obvious that all praise is being directed to the Lord.
The Where Of Praise Ps. 150:1
The psalmist instructs us to praise God “in the sanctuary.” For the Hebrews, this was a reference to the temple in Jerusalem, but for the believer today, it refers to your local church. What a joy it is to the Lord as He sees His sons and daughters gathering together in their respective houses of worship for the sole purpose of praising Him. We are also reminded that we are the temple of the Holy Ghost which makes us human sanctuaries. As praise fills our lives, God is glorified.
As praise fills our lives, God is glorified!’ -Rachel Burchfield “
The psalmist also declares us to praise Him “in His mighty firmament.” It is a shout for all of nature and the angelic hosts to give God praise. Think about it! The mountains, running rivers, and trees are praising God, and at this very moment, heaven is filled with the roars of His glorious praise. When you praise God, you are joining the throngs of heaven.
The Why Of Praise Ps. 150:2
The two-fold “why” of praise is for “His mighty acts” and for “His excellent greatness.” This is known as His acts and His attributes. In other words, praise Him for who He is (attributes) and what He has done (mighty acts). I’ll start a list for you, but you can continue it during your times of praise. His mighty acts could include the parting of the Red Sea, Jericho’s walls which fell flat, a sunrise each day and starry nights, the marvel of the human body, and His love displayed on Calvary and Resurrection Sunday. As you praise Him for these mighty deeds, add a few more from your list.
You can also spend time praising His for His divine attributes or His self-description. There are at least twenty, but Ex. 34:6 lists six that you can focus on: “He said to Moses, ‘Here I come! I AM that I AM, merciful, gracious, longsuffering, abounding in goodness and truth.’”
The How Of Praise Ps. 150:3-5
In 1972, my Methodist youth group was told that we were not allowed to play our guitars in the sanctuary because it was not relevant. I was polite, but even then, I wondered if they had read Psalm 150. How do we praise? With our whole heart and every expression available to us! Biblical praise involves our entire bodies: clapping, singing, dancing, twirling, kneeling, and bowing down. Your inward experience should have an outward expression and a church with vibrant praise is a wonderful thing.
Whether choreographed or spontaneous, dancing before the Lord is scriptural honors the Father, and liberates you from pride and the opinion of man. Perhaps you only dance in the clubs. You can give that energy to the Lord and say along with me, “I haven’t stopped dancing. I just changed partners.”
The Who Of Praise Ps. 150:6
Whole-hearted praise is more than a songfest of celebration, and it doesn’t always involve singing. From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, believers who are filled with praise are God-centered. Praise is an attitude of thankfulness and a constant reminder of who He is and what He has done on our behalf. Hey, if He’s mighty enough to prepare for your Forever, He can certainly take care of your Today. He’s your Creator, yet Father. He sent Jesus to the cross so that you could live with Him forever. No wonder we can join the psalmist and say, “Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!”