The Wonderful Promises Of God

Living by the promises of God makes an overcoming, abundant life possible.  

“…His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness… by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises … “ II Pet. 1:3-4

God’s plan for His family is to enjoy an overcoming, abundant life. He never intended for you, as a believer, to be defeated by internal pressure or external conflicts. Although disease, debt, and discouragement may knock at your door; you don’t need to answer it. I would like to teach you how to overcome life’s challenges and fiery darts by embracing the wonderful promises of God. 

Search For Your Promise

It has been said that the Bible contains 7,487 promises from God to man. That’s over twenty for each day! There are promises for household salvation, courage, hope, and healing. There are promises for guidance, wisdom, and favor. There are promises for every possible problem and every exciting opportunity. These promises are wonderful! These promises are for you!

The first question you should train yourself to ask is, “What does the Word say?” This will require some prayerful study time, but the Holy Spirit will lead you. God’s Word is His will, so once you’ve located a promise on that matter, you’re ready for the next step.  

Claim Your Promise

To claim a Bible promise is to say, “Lord, I accept and receive Your promise to me and will act as though it’s so until I see it completely manifested in my life.” It is similar to receiving a gift card. Let’s say that you’ve received a $200 gift card to your favorite store. One morning you wake up and say, “I’m going to that store and redeem my gift card. I’m going to get what has already been paid for.” Calvary is the Father’s gift card for the believers. Let’s remember that Jesus Christ has already purchased “all things that pertain to life and godliness.”  

Confess Your Promise

Confession has been misunderstood in the Body of Christ. People tend to think of it in a negative manner such as the confession of sin. Yes, it’s important to confess our sin, but confession simply means “to agree with God.” To confess God’s Word means that, regardless of what you see or feel, you have chosen to agree with what God’s Word says about the matter. Be bold to confess your personal promise because faith pleases God, and “He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Heb. 11:6

Stand On Your Promise

Sometimes the item you saw in the catalog is not on the shelf. You are positive that it was on page 91, but you don’t see it with your natural eyes. You need some assistance to learn if what was offered is still available, so you look for a nice, patient clerk. The clerk explains that it is on backorder, but, it can be yours if you’re willing to wait for it to arrive. The wonderful promises of God are also yours, but sometimes you need to wait for them to arrive. As stated in Hebrews 10:35, “Cast not away your confidence which has great reward.”  

Receive Your Promise

Living by the wonderful promises of God is the Father’s plan for the believer. You can trust these promises because they are backed up by God’s character. Since God cannot lie, you can fully expect to receive the fulfillment of His promise to you. And when you do, be quick to tell everyone you know that the wonderful promises of God are true because He is a Father who loves to bless His kids.  

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