Seven Enemies to Your Destiny

God has given everyone a dream, a destiny, and a destination. Paul calls it our “eternal purpose.”   When you got born again, God’s destiny for your life was impregnated within your spirit. The stronger you grow in God, the more passionate you will be to fulfill this dream. Dreams fulfilled are exciting! I’ve known many people who have seen their dreams fulfilled, but many more who have not. Here are some enemies that will attempt to destroy your destiny.


We live in an instant-gratification, microwave society. We want everything now. When appetites are out of control, God cannot accomplish much, because your flesh is the god-of-the-day. I hear people say “Oh, I just don’t have much discipline,“ but, that’s not true if they are filled with the Holy Spirit. Why? Because discipline and self-control are one of the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit. He can supply you with just what you need to bridle your tongue, wallet, or any other unleashed affections that will rob you of your dream.  


“Good things come to those who wait” is not a scripture, but it should be. Many dreams are aborted simply because people get impatient. There is a man I know and loved deeply. The Lord had told me that, at the right time, I was to give him my car. As time passed, this man shared his desire to own a car quite similar to mine, but I sensed it was not God’s timing to say anything. I got happy just thinking about how God was going to fulfill his personal dream. How disappointed I was to hear that he had purchased a car and gone into debt. He got restless and impatient and was robbed of a dream that God had planned for him.

He can supply you with just what you need to bridle your tongue, wallet, or any other unleashed affections that will rob you of your dream.  

Pastor Tommy Burchfield


It’s quite common for people to get their feelings hurt. As believers, Matthew ch. 18 instructs us to go to them privately to discuss it. God’s way to deal with an offense is to talk it out and release it immediately. If you don’t, it will grow into a root of bitterness and surely cost you your destiny. Don’t rehearse that offense in your mind. Its’ poison will damage your relationship with God, your health and surely destroy your dream.


People who are pursuing their destiny must remain focused on their task at hand. A perfect example of this is in the book of Ezra. Those dear Jews spent ninety-four years trying to get the Jerusalem walls rebuilt. Being a leader with unbroken focus, Nehemiah finished them in just fifty-two days! Businessmen tried to distract him and discuss “important” things, but he refused to stop building that wall. What has God called you to do? Stop at nothing less!


The Scriptures are filled with wisdom about relationships. Those near to your heart influence you greatly. We are quick to advise teenagers about choosing their friends carefully, but this applies to adults, too. Be careful around those shady jokes at the office or teacher’s lounges filled with gossip. Those friendships will cost you your witness and your destiny.  


Some have said, “If your dream doesn’t scare you, then you aren’t dreaming big enough.”  That’s true, but that word “scare” doesn’t mean fearful. It implies more of the sobering realization that you cannot accomplish it without God. Fear is another thing. It will prevent you from talking about your destiny. It will hold you back from even trying. When I sense fear slithering trying to slither into my heart, I begin confessing my dreams out loud. God is not a tease. If He dropped this dream into your heart, won’t He fulfill it? Indeed, He will. “Those who trust in the Lord shall not be disappointed.” Rm. 10:11


People who lack understanding about the tithe will never fulfill their God-given dreams. Tithing is not about money. It’s all about your priorities. It’s about honoring the divine order that God established. It is the tithe that releases the open windows of blessings. It is the tithe that protects you from the devourer. Who is the devourer? Satan! What is he trying to devour? Your destiny!

It’s time for you to start dreaming again. As you delight yourself in Him, God’s dreams and desires for your life will begin to surface once again. Keep these seven enemies in check and watch your dream fulfilled right before your eyes.  

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